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Granite, the thick bedrock underlying all our continents, came into existence—and in solid form—within less than three minutes. See Origin of the Earth for the fascinating story behind this discovery. On this page, you will find a brief summary of 21 of Robert Gentry's findings. This is science vs. evolution—a Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia, brought to you by Creation Science Facts.

This material is excerpted from the book, ORIGIN OF THE EARTH.
An asterisk ( * ) by a name indicates that person is not known to be a creationist. Of over 4,000 quotations in the books this Encyclopedia is based on, only 164 statements are by creationists. You will have a better understanding of the following statements by scientists if you will also read the web page,
Origin of the Earth.

1: There are many polonium 218, 214, and 210 halos in granite,—in fact, careful specimen counts and extrapolations based on them, reveal that there are trillions upon trillions of them in granites all over the world.

2: The vast majority of these polonium 218, 214, and 210 radiohalos have no uranium 238 halos with them.

3: The primary polonium 218 halos are totally independent of radioactive parents. They are original in all rock in which they are found. There is no evidence that they were caused by uranium in the central grain or by passing uranium streams.

4: These independent Po-218 halos develop their half-life halo in only three minutes, so the radiohalos had to be in those rocks when the rocks were first brought into existence.

5: The rock in which they are found had to be solid at the time it was brought into existence.

6: Since Po-218 halos are found by the trillions throughout all the granites of the world, that granite had to originally become solid in far less than three minutes, when it was first created, in order for the Po-218 halos to form properly.

7: Since this granite is the basement rock, forming a thick layer, with the continents of the world above it and the basalt and magma below it, all this continental foundation apparently was created in less than three minutes time. With this fact in mind, there is little reason to expect the magma below and the continents above to have been formed in millions of years, if the granite between them was formed in less than three minutes.

8: The alpha-recoil technique has proven that these isolated, independent Po-218 halos were definitely not caused by "passing uranium or other radioactive solutions" as theorized by critics of this discovery. Alpha-recoil reveals that radioactive damage trails are always left by passing radioactive solutions.

9: The granites should not be classified with the igneous rocks (all of which came from molten rock), but rather as primordial or Genesis rocks. Granite (generally almost white in color) is original in its present solid form, and is not secondary to a prior cooling from the black basalt beneath it or from anything else.

10: Granite with its large crystals cannot be made from any molten rock, including molten granite!

11: Po-218, Po-214, and Po-210 halos cannot be reproduced in the laboratory. No one can give an acceptable explanation of how independent polonium could have gotten in those granites in the first place. It is an impossible situation, but there they are.

12: Polonium halos are often examined in mica from granite. But fluorite, another large granite mineral, also has polonium halos. Unlike mica, fluorite is a totally solid mineral, and polonium halos imbedded with it are the same as though they were imbedded in solid, thick, unflawed glass.

13: Research into true secondary polonium halos revealed that only polonium 210 ( and not also 214 or 218) halos are to be found within coalified wood. This is due to the fact that secondary Po-214 and Po-218, with their very short half-lives, could not escape and relocate rapidly enough from uranium parents to form halos.

14: The presence of Po-210 halos in the wood reveals a very rapid deposition of the wood during the flood.

15: Elliptical (squashed) Po-210 halos reveal that rapid covering of this wood occurred as material was piled on top of it.

16: The existence of double Po-210 halos reveals that rapid formation of the rock strata above the coalified wood occurred; for within only a few decades, the increase of pressure from additional overlay material had stopped occurring.

17: Because these wood samples came from three different geological strata levels, separated according to evolutionary theory by millions of years, and because the seven major events that happened to one group of samples happened to them all,—firm evidence is thus provided that a single Flood (i.e., occurring at one time in history) was responsible for the rapid deposition of all these strata. This is a strong evidence against evolutionary dating of the rock strata of earth.

18: Analysis of zircon crystals, from five levels of hot rock in a 15,000-foot hole, revealed that almost no increase of lead escape had occurred at even the lowest level. This is powerful evidence in favor of a young earth, and is consistent with a 6,000-year age.

19: Analysis of helium content in those small zircon crystals revealed amazingly high retention in 197oC. zircon crystals. This provides a double proof for a very young age for the earth.

20: The lead 206/lead-207 ratio is too high, which is an additional evidence that the independent polonium halos were not originally derived from uranium.

21: Another strong evidence that the independent polonium halos are unique, and not daughter products of uranium, is the fact that the ring structures of polonium are different than those in the uranium-chain halos. The sunburst pattern of delicate needle fission tracks always seen in uranium radiohalo chains, after etching, is totally missing from polonium radiohalos.


Forward to the next topic in this series: SCIENTISTS SPEAK ABOUT GENTRY'S FINDINGS: Researchers are baffled by what he found.